Wednesday, May 12, 2010

For once I'm not laughing

I just had a training session for volunteering at a nursing home with a pro-life group I'm in. I gotta say, I like the concept: we don't just care about babies, we also care about old folks. Unfortunately in practice it's the most depressing thing ever. I don't even know what was the most depressing part.....the smells, the eerie fact that the TV had paused on a clip from the "Dick Van Dyke Show" and none of the residents noticed... Anyway, it was one of the few moments in my life when nothing was funny. And for me, Sam, to find NOTHING in a situation that makes me laugh is truly rare. I'm the sort of person who has to stifle giggles during tragic moments in movies and during Yom Kippur services. But was somehow more depressing than a funeral.

The only way I can capture what it felt like without actually being there is to suggest this:
Take the song "Indian Love Call," put it on loud enough that you can hear, but not too loud. Turn off the lights. Wear short sleeves and turn on the AC full blast, so you get goosebumps.

So when you're sitting in the dark, freezing, listening to this kind of creepy whistly song from the 40's, THEN you'll feel the unsettling feeling that I felt.

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