Monday, October 11, 2010


I've decided I need to form a glossary of Sam-isms. I'll update as I remember more. That way I don't have to explain every time I use one:

Akimba: a state of bra-lessness. Verb: to go akimba.

A Fat Elvis Weekend
(sometimes referred to as "A Lost Weekend"): a weekend in which you feel so pathetic and awful that you confine yourself to your room, sometimes with a bunch of movies, and you have yourself a nice long cry.

to Hulk out: to suddenly burst from your clothing, à la The Incredible Hulk. Unlike the Hulk, this can be intentional or unintentional.

Fart Pocket:
: a random spot that smells of fart that is contained. Meaning, you can pass through a fart pocket and you can clearly differentiate where it begins and ends, unlike with a real fart. Fart Pockets are native to Evanston and the greater Chicagoland area.

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