Tuesday, April 15, 2008

You got bitch-slapped, bitch!

Can I just say that if I were not a heterosexual female, I would immediately try to seduce Tzipi Livni like right now. Why?

From Ynet:
During Livni's keynote address at the conference earlier Monday evening, Tibi asked the foreign affairs minister during the subsequent Q&A session how she could talk of democracy when referring to a Jewish nation. "Israel is an apartheid state," he charged.

Livni fielded the question from the podium and answered Tibi: "The very fact that you are an Israeli Knesset member, that you are the deputy speaker of the Knesset as a matter of fact, who represents 20% of Israel's population, that you are here and that you can say anything you please – that is the proof that Israel is a democratic nation."

(For the full thing, go here: http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3531857,00.html ) (In fact, to my friends who read this who don't really follow Israeli news, I suggest reading it so that you get fully angry about what went down at this conference and you get fully thrilled when Livni says what she says.)

I just thought it was brilliantly put. Um, you know what Tibi? I'd say you got owned.

P.S. I leave a week from tomorrow! Woot!

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