Monday, March 30, 2009

so i found out today that on sunday i have to go to like this 7 hour test thing to get an army placement. i have no idea what this is, and i cant seem to get a straight answer out of anyone. someone told me it's for borderline retarded people, then someone else told me that it's a GOOD thing, and then someone else told me that all the girls have to do it. im really scared and im trying to read as much as i can about it online.
im terrified because i'm going to be in a large group of native hebrew speakers. there's a lot of group work and discussions and reading and stuff like that, and i'm just terrified. from what i can understand from the hebrew website, i apparently at one point am going to have to read something in hebrew and then talk about it in hebrew....and all the while the interviewer is going to try to distract me with questions.
i feel comfortable in class, where everyone is foreign, and i feel comfortable reading and speaking hebrew without pressure....but i'm so afraid of this thing where i'm going to be the stupid immgirant who doesn't understand what's going on, and I'll be begging for 17 year old Israeli girls to help me.

i'm going to look like a total idiot.
Unless, of course, this test thing is only for retarded israelis, in which case i might actually have a chance at keeping up.

But oh god though...

...oh i retarded? is that why i'm being sent to this thing?

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