Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Fashion Police

Okay, I keep trying to do a legit post, but....a shorter one will have to suffice:

Today at Malcha I saw tznius fashion taken to a place that dare not speak its name. I'm talking, of course, about a tight jean miniskirt layered over a long black skirt. Seriously, words cannot describe how strange this was. I had to sit and collect myself at Burger King after seeing this.

Also, in the bathrooms the woman next to me was peeing (well, this was a bathroom after all!)....and as she peed she was on the phone conducting business transactions in Hebrew. I actually had to stop peeing because I was so impressed. Like, THAT is dedication. And disgusting. Do you think the person on the other end of the line knew the woman was peeing? Maybe he couldn't hear her peeing, but surely he had to be able to hear the roar of 5 different toilets flushing at once and recognized the sound. Also...and maybe this is just me....when I'm peeing I find it difficult to have a meaningful conversation. Like, I have to either stop talking and finish peeing, or I have to stop peeing and finish what I was saying. This is why I hate going into bathrooms with other people. But this woman could multitask. Props!