Saturday, June 27, 2009


So last night at 3.30 am I was woken by…..

A trance remix of the film E.T.

Blasting. Just blasting. I have no idea from where. It was the sort of thing that the entire neighborhood could hear perfectly—each booming bass thud, each line from the movie….

As far as things I’ve been woken up by throughout my life go (alarms, Mom yelling, someone farting in my face, an earthquake, getting baptized by my friends at my 9th birthday, my French roommate screaming in her sleep), this one was kinda neat. It was the sort of thing that actually would have been awesome if it hadn’t been happening in the wee hours of the morning.

At first I was pissed off that I was woken up—because it takes A LOT to wake me up. But then I just sort of sat in bed, staring at the ceiling and listening. Who the hell comes up with these things? Is this a full time job? Why ET?

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