Monday, August 10, 2009

A Day in the Life

I've probably told this story a million times on this blog, but unfortunately for you never gets old for me, and I feel like the story is kind of like the Passover story. You know, a story that needs annual re-telling:

My brother (the Haredi one) used to sleep with headphones on. He was a musician, so he liked to cram as much music into his life as possible, even if he wasn't awake. One night he fell asleep listening to the Beatles. A couple tracks later he woke up to the scary noise in the song "A Day in the Life." You know, it's a terrifying sound to hear when you're awake. It sounds basically like how I imagine the apocalypse will sound. So anyway, my brother woke up when this horrifying noise started building and, being half-asleep, didn't realize that he was still wearing headphones. So it's pitch black, he hears this building, screeching noise that he doesn't know how to stop, and he is scared shitless and starts yelling. I just liked that after the fact he described the sensation to me as the feeling of being abducted by aliens.

Anyway, I was just listening to that song and of course I thought of this story..... For the record, since this happened (however many years ago this was) I have not been able to listen to the song without getting the giggles.

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