Tuesday, April 22, 2008

BBC World News Discotheque

You know what the best part of staying in foreign hotels is? BBC World News on TV.

So can I just say that the only reason I watch BBC news is for it's main coutndown theme? Which is basically just this electronic pulse.

People have even done remixes of it.

When the news finally comes on, I always get really upset because by the end of the countdown I'm usually out of my chair shaking my ass.

"Another day of violence in the war-torn region of---"

Anyway, a couple weeks ago I found myself watching BBC America news, and they were doing some special on trash. One of the locations they chose to examine was the Santa Monica Pier, which is only a few miles from my home. The reporter held up an abandoned plastic bag and said something like, "Here in Los Angeles they call this 'urban tumbleweed.' " (Actually, he was British so it was more like, "Heh in Los Angeleeeeez they cwl this uhbin tahmblweed....")

And I had never heard that term in my entire life. Really? We here in LA call plastic bags "urban tumbleweed?" Really?

But he qualified it with, "Why? Because there's so much of it lying around." Really? I mean, LA is by no means a clean city, but it's not like there are plastic bags EVERYWHERE. It's not like I wade through plastic whenever I walk down the street. Well, I guess the point is that news is never really accurate. I mean, if I lived in New York and had not spent much time in LA, the report might seem accurate, but if I were living in LA I'd question the accuracy of what this guy was saying. Just something to keep in mind when I'm in Israel (TOMORROW!!!!) and I'm reading local news instead of what I'm used to reading...

oh yeah, and....


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