Saturday, May 31, 2008

holy. fuck.

Um, so you know how I WANTED to do the army but i thought that since i wouldn't be israeli until after i was 20, i wouldn't have to do it?

Um, turns out I was wrong. they calculate your date of arrival NOT from the time you get citizenship but from the time you enter israel. i entered israel at the age of 19. meaning, even if i get my citizenship after june 28 of this year (my birthday), i STILL am obligated to do the army. hell, i could even leave the country, but i have to wait to come back for like 2 years to get citizenship if i dont want to be obligated to do the army.

this is both thrilling AND frightening.

please do not tell my mother.


Oz Abramovich said...

So, what do you plan on doing?
BTW, even if you do join the army, you won't get to do anything
"combatic" (I know that's not really a word...), unless you ask for it.
Godd luck with your mom, though...

Abraham said...

I'm excited for you! No matter what, I know you'll do admirably. Israel came up last night at Hillel (Libby, Corinne, JoRo, Benji, and I were talking about it, among other things) and the idea that people moving to Israel to fight for it--that's what Israel is all about. I can't wait to take the plunge! And also, the more I think about it, the more awesome it seems to come visit you in September.



Sam said...

I have no idea what I plan on doing! Any suggestions?
Also, I think "combatic" SHOULD be an English word, because it makes total sense as one.

You have no idea how much I miss Hillel, and also if you come visit in September I will shit myself with happiness. I hope that doesn't stop you from visiting...
