Saturday, May 17, 2008

Country Music Shabbat

This is a fucking beautiful country!!!

So far I’ve spent my morning listening to Weird Al—I realize that I shouldn’t admit to being such a dweeb, but I remember reading somewhere in some Jewish values book that you should never be afraid to share with other people something that has helped you even if it’s embarrassing, because someone else in your shoes might not get a chance to benefit from the help you found. And I’m a Jew with values, so I’m telling you: Weird Al cures sadness/homesickness. Something about singing along to “Spam” and getting to yell the lyric “HAM AND PORK” in the Jewish state was extremely satisfying…

I’d share with you some Weird Al, but I meant it when I said Shabbat was Country Music Day on this blog. Rain/shine/sleet/snow/apocalypse, Shabbat is Country Music Day here on “Aw eff….”
Today I’m sharing with you a song from Rodney Atkins called “If You’re Going Through Hell.” It’s about how if you’re going through a shit time or you’re scared or whatever, just keep going. Which I think is appropriate. (Okay, maybe I’m being dramatic. To be perfectly honest, folding towels is not Hell; it’s Purgatory.)

P.S. You know how I know that I want to stay in this country? Because the following statement excites me: Mañana I am calling to make an appointment with Misrad Hapnim to give them my papers to get citizenship. (Jealous any?)

P.P.S. Is it confusing you that I don’t like the word “tomorrow” so I say “mañana?”

P.P.P.S. I think I’ll also say “mañana” when I’m speaking Hebrew instead of מחר.

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