Saturday, May 31, 2008

Country Music Shabbat just got a little classic

It’s Shabbat, and so it’s time for your weekly education! (For all two of you reading this….) Today’s country music experience? “The Gambler,” by Kenny Rogers. It’s classic. But why this weekend?

Because my new roommate needs to learn to “know when to hold ‘em, know when to fold ‘em, know when to walk away, know when to run.”

Also, the “House Mom” just yelled at me for what happened between her and my roommate. So that’s fun….

My roommate's crazy. She has this theory that one of "The Americans" took her jeans to piss her off. So she slashed the screen on their window. Fucking A........
She told me that if anyone asks me, I have to say she didn't do it. But I'm not sure I can do that. She also wants me to use my connection to "The Americans" (I'm friends with a boy who lives with some of them) to find out the laundry numbers of "The Americans" so she can destroy their clothing when she folds it during work. I'm also not sure I can do that. Actually, I'm pretty sure I CAN'T do that.

1 comment:

Abraham said...

is this the friendly french fraulein or the mean one?

either way, GET OUT! you should probably never have switched.

best of luck.

