Wednesday, May 28, 2008

I just saw the most spectacular sight ever.

The boy I hit? Remember him?

Yeah, he just slammed a hotel employee against the wall. And started screaming. In the middle of the hotel lobby.

Why? They were arguing, and then as a joke the employee (who is in his early 20's...same age as the guy I hit) held a lighter to the guy's head. It didn't touch the guy, but the guy thought it did. So he flipped out.

I saw it all, and I moved to a different part of the lobby afterwards. And the guy I hit came up to me.

"I don't want you to think I'm a lunatic."


"No, seriously, i'm not a lunatic. you don't understand. This guy kept bothering me and bothering me, and he uses the n word."

"You use the n word, too."

"Yeah, but that's different."


"No, and he held a lighter to my head and it scared me, so of course I--"

"No no, I completely understand. I remember this one time I freaked out and hit someone because he was a horrible person to other people and then he created a huge fireball by my foot. So yeah, i can understand hitting a guy who uses the n word like you do and pretends to hold a lighter near your head."


oh it was glorious.

1 comment:

Abraham said...


I told you you'd get to fuck him up!



p.s. that secret word seems almost like a real phrase or something?