Saturday, May 10, 2008

You were wrong, boyo!

Sorry that I keep updating like I'm getta paid by the post, but it's Shabbat and what else am I gonna do....

Before I left NU, someone (an Arab-American from the region of Eretz Yisrael...I want to keep this vague in case someone is reading this) told me, "In Israel this conversation [he, an Arab, speaking to a Zionist Jew] would not be taking place." And I let out a sad sigh, because I thought that would be sad. And I thought, wow, Israel must really be a racist place if that is true.

Um, can I just say that he was SO WRONG. In fact, outside of the olim in the ulpan, the only Israelis I enjoy talking to on this kibbutz are the Arabs who work here. In fact, most of the Hebrew I speak is not to Israelis or to other ulpanists, but to Arabs. In fact, I'm afraid I'm gonna leave this kibbutz speaking Hebrew with an Arab accent.

Sooooooo.....exactly what the hell was he talking about???

Edit with breaking news: Right now I'm looking into academic program in the fall either in Jerusalem or Haifa (but not Tel Aviv because that is sooooooooooo cliche). I'd study Hebrew for two hours every day and Arabic for two hours a day. And then I'd get some sort of job. Annnnnnnd, I'll be a citizen by then (G-d willing!), so it'll be twice as awesome. Thoughts? Comments? Questions? Please share.

Additional info: I just tried to watch the most recent episode of House online like I always did at school (I had class during its airtime). And I was met with this message, "Thank you for your interest in FOX.
This service is currently available to viewers living in the United States."
Holy shit. Holy holy shit. No no no no no!!!!!! I NEED HOUSE! I feel like calling Fox and being like, "But I'm 'Merkinnnnnnnnn! Pleeeeeeeeease, for the love of G-d, please believe me, I'm 'Merkinnnnnnnn!!!!!! Isn't my unalienable right as an American to watch House online? Isn't it guaranteed somewhere? I feel like when I was in DC and visited the place where the Declaration of Independence was, I read something about the right to watch House. Shit shit shit!!!


Oz Abramovich said...

Well, about House, you have 2 options, as I see it:

1. Get used to watching it on Israeli TV (although the latest episode aired was episode 5 in season 4, which is 9 episodes away from America). It airs on channel 3, Sundays, 21:15.

2. View it online using some legally-questionable tv show streaming site, such as TVshack, or Sidereel...

Anyway- House rocks!

Sam said...

Aw crap. Well, unfortunately I don't have a TV here in Israel (yet....), so that rules out option one.

By the way, Oz, I'm promoting you to this blog's "Resident Israel Expert and Walking TV Guide." I think I'll have to make you some kind of badge or medal or something so you have something to show for it...

Abraham said...

sam please write to me!

but maybe you should write to my home address so I can be guaranteed of getting said correspondence.

I miss you, and think about you often.



Anonymous said...

I'm sorry the tv situation is less than ideal! that actually sucks but if you are watching with an israeli you can be a psychic. on another note you should go to jerusalem so I can see you more next year when I'll be there. :) miss you!

Sam said...

ladies ladies laides,

abraham, send me your address on facebok or to my email address and you shall receibe postacrds.

elana, even if im not in jerusalem i will coem visite you you and it will be ufn even if im in haifa. okee?