Tuesday, March 17, 2009


No more blood tests. Got a health profile. No problems. YES! Receiving enlistment date in about 2 weeks.


Rachel said...

I don't know you, but since I've been reading this for a short while I think I'm entitled to shout HURRAY!

Marni said...

Mazel tov!

Anyways, now feel free to pay it forward. A friend of mine, he is 21, speaks Hebrew, just made aliyah, etc. is trying to get drafted by the IDF into a "good unit." They also keep delaying his enlistment date by like 6 months to a year. Do you know anyone he should/can contact so as to avoid all the pitfalls of the Israeli bureaucracy? I think he is going to Haifa tomorrow to try and manuever his way into a position, but I think Tzahal is a lot about connections, and well, I don't think he has any. Any suggestions?

Sam said...

thanks, thanks!

as for advice with the army enlistment center....i dont really have any. im not entirely sure what i did right and what i did wrong. i guess what i can recommend is that you tell you friend to be in constant touch with the army through the phone and to get pushy if he has to.