Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Oh shit....

So I'm quite drunk right now. we were waiting for the bus to the kibbuts and we had nothign better to do, so the boys kept saying how funny it would be if i drank. so i drank. a lot. more than all the boys combined.'

And I was speaking to hte French people. And everyone was like, "Holy fuck, you can speak French?" And I was like, "terribly." And everyone was like, "You were speaking SO fucking fast in French." So apparently when I'm really drunk I speak French REALLY fast and with the utmost confidence. So aparent;y what I need to do in Hebrew is be drunk in hebrew all the time and then il feel like i'm completely fluent in hebrew and people will be like,"shit son, you speak hebrew SO well" and i'll just be like, "no i dont, im just drunk."


Abraham said...

you are a french person when under the influence.

Abraham said...

hey booboo i felt lonely on the internet so I made a blog for you to read of me?


i just hope i can be as hilarious as you.
