Monday, September 15, 2008


Having lunch with my Christian cousins in a few hours....should be interesting. Haven't seen them since I left for Israel.

My mother is driving me absolutely insane with questions about Israel. She did this when I was in college/high/elementary school as well, but now it's ridiculous. Every time I mention what a friend of mine in Israel and I did, she always goes, "Oh, and is he/she Jewish?" Yes, mother, it was Israel! Perhaps the most ridiculous instance was when I was talking about going to the Wall with two friends to go pray, and she goes, "O, and were your two friends Jewish?" YES.

Also, my mother only figured out a couple days ago that I hated the kibbutz. WHAT??!?!?!

I'm also frustrated because after asking if they're Jewish, my mom then asks (if the friend in question is a male) if said person was more than a friend. And I'm like, "no." And she gets all frustrated. I'm pretty sure she thinks I'm a lesbian. I'm not (as far as I know!), but my mother wouldn't be the first person to think I am. I'm thinking that if she starts to get really upset at this perceived lesbianism, I'll just randomly shout, "I LIKE GUYS!" at regular intervals. Just to reassure her.

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