I'm totally fucked though. I'm supposed to have my room spotless before I go AND I have to have all my shit for college packed.....and I've maybe put away three books and I've only set aside like half of my clothing. You might be thinking, "How difficult can it be to clean your room?" Um, extremely difficult. When I was in Israel, I promised my mom over the phone that my room would be clean before I leave for school....but when I got home, I saw that literally everything I own is on the floor. My mom thought she'd be helping me if she took everything out of my closets and such and put it on the floor for me to sort through. And holy shit do I have a lot of stuff. I'm a pack rat. So basically there's 20 years of acquired shit on my floor at the moment that I have to sort through by tomorrow.

Note the near-empty closet in the background....
Also, last night my mom and I got into a heated political debate. Voices were raised. Fingers pointed.
What was the debate topic?
"Who is prettier, Sarah Palin or Tina Fey?"
I was pro-Tina Fey, while my mom argued that Sarah Palin is prettier.
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