It's weird because I keep discovering little pieces of paper that I took notes on. Even four years later I still remember what things like "3 pretzels" or "MC Hammer Pants" or "Aliens at Church" or "I wonder if the 20's were just like this" mean.
I also am stumbling across old binders from high school. Just flipped through my physics one, and I couldn't help but think, "This is so fucking boring, how the hell did you manage not to kill yourself in this class?"
You know, high schoolers deserve a lot of credit for the kind of shit they have to put up with and study. Fuck me, I'm glad I never have to give one flying fuck about stuff like physics ever again.
Also just found my binder from 11th grader American lit. Holy shit. Towards the end of the year we readt he Great Gatsby. And the teacher had just built it up. I lied. America built it up. Here I was expecting THE greatest piece of literature ever to have graced America and quite possibly the world......and it turned out to be shit. So then I refused to read any of the other assigned books for the rest of the year. And yet I still had to write papers on them. So I keep finding these papers written on books that I didn't actually read, and they are....remarkably vague. I cannot believe the teacher didn't notice and didn't figure out that there were about 10 books that I wrote papers on that I didn't actually read. Entire papers without citations from the book. Seriously? How does that slip one's attention? THe best part is that I didn't always get A's, but the comments and stuff from the teacher never suggested that I didn't read the book or even that I hadn't read the book closely enough, and they certainly never said, "Why don't you have even one citation from the book?" or, "You obviously did not even open the fucking book!"
Here's an excerpt from my English binder:

Yes, I've been in full-time private education since I was 5, and I'm still drawing hand turkeys during Honors American Literature class at the age of 16. You got a problem with that?
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