Monday, October 20, 2008

I feel at some point I should do a proper post. But for now, let me just say the following:

1) The cut I got from that weird faucet thing in the shower back on the kibbutz is now officially a SCAR. I am now scarred both emotionally AND physically from my time on the kibbutz.

2) I am hiding from people in my dorm. I don't like these people, so I don't want to see them or be seen by them. I've become that creepy person that no one ever sees, and that some suspect has actually died in her dorm room.

3) I walked around a Barnes and Noble yesterday with my pants down. Actually, that's not entirely true. I was in the bathroom and there was some weird lady in the stall next to me talking to I was like, fuck this shit, I'm getting out of here. And in my rush to get out of the bathroom, I totally forgot to zip or button my pants. They were not even fully up, I'd wager.

4) We won on Saturday. And half of my face is sunburned. But not the other half. But I'm still glad we won. I got some great footage of the Game Experience, which I hope to upload onto here. Some great pictures and some great personal favorite was a picture of the claw gestures that we make that look like we're actually a stadium full of Hitler Youth. I also got on film a touchdown, complete with the stadium erupting into screams and the marching band launching into the fight song. Also on tape was the notorious key jingling. Be prepared for that awesomeness.

5) I can't decide if I hate or love this place. maybe a bit of both? I guess I'm ready to be done with school and ready to be done with cold weather, but I like being in education rather than in a laundry room.

6) In the car with Abraham today I actually went through a list of most of the Bitches/Women of the Wash I worked with, and it was so seems so far away. Most of the time when I talk to people in person about my time in Israel, I make vague statements like, "I worked in a laundry room." In that situation, I'd state that I didn't like the women, but to actually go through the list, with their actual names, and actually think about each one having a distinct personality.....It was so weird. I forget that each one had a voice, an accent, a way of speaking, a walk, body language, etc etc.... I haven't thought about specifics of the laundry room since I got back, and it was weird to think about it now.

7) The other day I was walking by this main courtyard place on campus and I hear this voice keep screaming, "ABBY?? ABBY MILLER??!?!? ABBY MILLER!" And she just kept yelling it, getting increasingly annoyed that Abby wasn't responding. And then all of the sudden this girl THAT I KNOW taps me on the shoulder and is like, "Jeez, Abby, learn to respond to your name! haha, how ARE you?!?! I haven't seen you in so long!! Tell me what's new!" And she acted as if we were best friends.
Needless to say, my name is Sam and not, in fact, Abby. Hell, I've even learned to respond to SemenTAH or Semi, but Abby? No way, my friend.

1 comment:

Abraham said...

and you and abby miller? do not even look at all alike. not at all.

except the hair.

i had fun today in the car, and i am still sorry that i couldn't get the homework stuff together. I want you to read my hibur before i turn it in--it's super weird.

let's go on another semi-crazy adventure.