Saturday, October 25, 2008

אבל הוא יקח את הדברים שלנו!!!

I'm pissed off because I got a bad grade on a history paper. What was one of the reasons listed?

"Excessive use of metaphors."

Well fuck. On the sheet we received in class when we got our papers back (with general criticism and tips for the whole class), it said, "History is boring enough as it is. So instead of using passive verbs, use active ones to make your paper more exciting!"

Well I thought using metaphors and similes and stuff would make my paper less boring. But apparently it was too exciting or something. :-(

Also, this has been bothering me for a WHILE now, but I finally figured it out. This horrible girl in my logic discussion section looks exactly like Wallace from "Wallace and Gromit." She has a bizarrely large jaw, just like him, and she has bizarre teeth, just like him. Once I figured this out, I couldn't stop staring at her. I kept imagining her making two fists, raising her hands in the air, shaking them in unision while screaming, "GROMIIIIIIIIIT!!!!!" Whenever she haughtily laughed at others' stupidity in class, I wondered if she had ever gone on a rocket trip to the moon, which was made of cheese, and whenever she tried her hardest to correct the TA (who wasn't wrong), I ever wondered if her control of her body was ever taken over by a pair of "wrong trousers."

This probably explains why I'm failing logic.

I also realized that this girl TRIES to be dirty. Like, I'll just forget to take a shower and then I'm dirty, but this girl like tries to make it a fashion statement. LIke, "I don't care how I look, and I spent 3 hours trying to figure out how to convey this in my clothing and in my ratty ponytail."

Also, when the hell will looking like a racoon go out of fashion??? I'm really looking forward to this day.

Also, I went to the market on Thursday with Abr. and I'm pretty sure it's the first time I've been in a market since my days in Israel. So I pull the cart down towards the bagging area and I wait to bag our stuff. While I'm waiting for our stuff to get scanned, I turn my back for a second to look at my surroundings (a kosher market I've never been in) and when I turn back around some guy I don't know is putting bagged items into my cart. And in my head I was freaking out, because I thought this guy had taken our cart (which made me think, "AND WE HAD TO PAY FOR THAT!") and that, omg, was he planning on taking our stuff?
I looked back at Abr. but he didn't seem to even notice. So I went around the checkout counter to stand behind him, and I kept trying to slyly point his attention towards this weird man taking our stuff, but Abraham doesn't seem to notice.

Finally, once everything had been bagged ("Shit, that mans gonna take our stuff!"), the bag man looked up and said something like, "Have a nice day" or something, and then I was like: Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck. It's this guy's job. He's the bag boy.

Boy did I feel like a paranoid idiot.

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